
Homeowners and Bodies Corporate,

Overcharged for municipal services?

Continually being billed on estimated readings?

Do you want to save money?

Do you want to recover money?

We can help, read further.

Municipal Account Accounting Solutions (MAAS) specializes in the auditing of the City of Johannesburg (COJ) municipal accounts. The main areas of focus are, though not limited to, the correct application of tariffs and the accuracy of adjustments to accounts. Adjustments to accounts are usually evidenced by pages of reversals and rebilling. Will you know whether these adjustments and rebilling are correct?

COJ bills are difficult documents to read and understand, particularly the electricity and water ones and because of this they are largely unchecked by individuals, managing agents, accountants and auditors. As a consequence of this, substantial overbilling, through the incorrect application of COJ tariffs and accounting errors, goes undetected. Even if your Body Corporate’s COJ accounts are being managed and audited by third parties it would be a good idea to have the most recent month’s COJ accounts checked by MAAS free of charge and make use of the Domestic Tariff Electricity Calculator.

MAAS came into being when it was noticed that there were differences between the application of tariffs between two Bodies Corporate. The investigation showed that one complex was being substantially overbilled from as far back, and possibly further, as 2008 (the earliest available tariffs MAAS has sourced.). This overbilling would have continued indefinitely but for the intervention of MAAS.

Financial models were developed for the checking and recalculating of COJ municipal accounts. The Domestic Tariff Electricity Calculator is made freely available to visitors to this website to check the accuracy of their electricity accounts. The calculator will be more useful to sectional title complexes than to individuals, as the highest incidence of the incorrect application of COJ tariffs occurs in sectional title complexes.

Despite the widespread introduction of smart meters numerous account holders are being billed on an estimated basis for months on end. When the bills are updated with actual readings, the account holder is confronted with pages of mind boggling calculations. MAAS is able to audit these accounts and submit claims to COJ for any overbilling that may have arisen.

Get rid of the uncertainty surrounding your COJ municipal accounts and get peace of mind, make use of the Domestic Tariff Electricity Calculator and or send your most recent month’s COJ accounts to MAAS for checking. See services page for details of services offered.

See our successes page for some of the results achieved to date. References are available on request.